Exclusive offer - Celebrity Cruises' Always On offer
Exclusive offer - Celebrity Cruises' Always On offer
Book any Celebrity Cruise in an Aqua Class stateroom or higher and fly for $400 less per couple!
Non-stop flights YOUR PACKAGE INCLUDES:Flight & Cruise
Ultimate Caribbean cruise From Fort Lauderdale
$3,059 Taxes & other fees included
Eastern Caribbean cruise From Fort LauderdaleCELEBRITY EDGE

You will visit the following 2 places:

Barcelona – Spain's enchanting capital, second largest and most populous city. It is a huge city that vibrates with life, and there’s certainly not another city in the country to touch it for its sheer style, looks or energy. It is one of the world's leading tourist, economic, trade fair and cultural centers, and its influence in commerce, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science, and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world's major global cities. Barcelona is home to masterpieces of many great architects – the most famous of which is Antoni Gaudí.