TOURS FROM AMASONATA The Lowdown on the Lower Danube
About Austria
TOURS FROM AMASONATA The Lowdown on the Lower Danube
There must have been a sale on the letters B and V when they were naming cities along the lower Danube. The itinerary for our journey from Budapest to the Black Sea has us visiting Belgrade, Belogradchik, Baba Vida and Bucharest. And our tours include Vidin, Villany and Vukovar.
They’re places that are less familiar than the classic Blue Danube cruise itineraries that go west up the river to Austria and Germany. So prepping for tours from AmaWaterway’s new AmaSonata had me switching back and forth between web sites on cultures and 2,000 years worth of history in eastern Europe.
In every port we tie up at, there is a menu of optional complimentary guided tours or on your own adventures on foot or by bike.