The legend behind Cuban Cigars (Habanos)

The legend behind Cuban Cigars (Habanos)

Habanos Cigars: Handcrafted Delights You Deserve

Whenever someone thinks of Cuba and its symbols, Habanos usually come to mind. It’s no coincidence that the famous Cuban cigar gets its name from the City of Havana, also spelled as Habana in Spanish. Habanos is a sign of prestige amongst cigar aficionados and connoisseurs. Learn how to acquaint your travelers with the finest cigars in the world.

Habanos - Cigars like No Others

The famous Cuban cigar is known to be present in celebrations and high-profile gatherings, always as a symbol of class. Many celebrities like British model Naomi Campbell, as well as actors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jack Nicholson have enjoyed real Cuban cigars. Just as with fine wine, there are many varietals of cigar brands, shapes, sizes, and flavors.

The Fine Art of Cigar Production

Invite your travelers to witness the extraordinary art of handcrafting a Cuban cigar. Enjoy the combination of artistry and storytelling in world-renowned cigar factories. Cuban cigar makers, unlike their counterparts in the rest of the world, make the entire cigar themselves! Your travelers will be amazed by the cigar-making tradition, which has maintained its integrity almost in its entirety for the last few hundred years.

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You will visit the following 4 places:



Varadero is a resort town in the province of Matanzas, Cuba, and one of the largest resort areas in the Caribbean. The place was first used as a dry dock and the salt mines of the peninsula (closed in 1961) supplied most of the Spanish Latin America Fleet since 1587. However, the foundation date of Varadero as city was only on December 5, 1887, when ten families from the city of Cárdenas obtained a permission to build their vacation homes between today's 42nd and 48th Street. Varadero is foremost a tourist resort town, boasting more than 20 km of white sandy beaches. The first tourists visited Varadero as early as the 1870s, and for years it was considered an elite resort. In 1910 the annual rowing regatta was started; five years later the first hotel, named Varadero and later Club Nautico, was built. Tourism grew in the early 1930s as Irénée du Pont, an American millionaire, built his estate on the peninsula. Many famous and infamous people stayed in Varadero, for example Al Capone.



Holguín is a municipality and city, the capital of the Cuban Province of Holguín. It also includes a tourist area, offering beach resorts in the outskirts of the region. After Havana, Santiago de Cuba, and Camaguey, it is the fourth largest city in Cuba.



Havana, officially Ciudad de La Habana, is the capital city, major port, and leading commercial centre of Cuba. The city is one of the 15 Cuban provinces. The city/province has 2.1 million inhabitants, the largest city in Cuba and the second largest in the Caribbean region, after Santo Domingo. The city extends mostly westward and southward from the bay, which is entered through a narrow inlet and which divides into three main harbours: Marimelena, Guanabacoa, and Atarés. The sluggish Almendares River traverses the city from south to north, entering the Straits of Florida a few miles west of the bay.

Cayo Largo

Cayo Largo

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