Home Base Travel Agents

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Travel Agent? Work From Home ... No Monthly Fees

How becoming a home based travel agent with us can benefit you:

It will allow you to spend more time with your family (actually watch your kids grow up while making money!). Work on your own time -- you set your own schedule. Kill the commute -- save the headache, save on gas, work from home! Be your own boss! Forget the office politics and having someone always looking over your shoulder! Live your life your way! Life is short, live it on your own terms by making work fit around your life instead of life fitting around your work! Pay your bills.

Sound good? Keep reading or contact us now to learn more...

Are you ready to take charge of your life and start your own home based travel business? You have a passion for travel and would like to make it your business. You occasionally research or book travel for your friends and family. You desire a job with flexible full-time or part-time hours. You are looking for financial independence. You want a home based initiative that is inexpensive to start, simple to operate and easy to learn. You already have a great network of prospective clients including friends and family members. You want to have unlimited access to one-on-one support to help you succeed.

Every person who is working for a registered Ontario retail travel agency and is selling travel services or providing travel advice to the public must, by law, meet the TICO's Education Standards, which came into effect on July 1, 2009. click




There is a one time set up fee $599.00 and no monthly fees, this is for to set up a phone line, JustTravelDeals.ca email, business cards, set you up on our phone system so that we will give you free leads and our team support.

If you find yourself saying 'yes,' then you may be an ideal candidate. Contact us now to learn more about this great opportunity.

with JustTravelDeals.ca or Call Rosario @ 905-799-3000 ext 221 email rosario@justtraveldeals.ca


Do you have friends and family members who are locked in tight to their full-time corporate jobs, but you know that they’re secretly dreaming about starting a home-based business? Let’s be honest, nearly everyone has toyed with the idea at some point during their career. Well, the travel industry is one of the leaders in the home-based business model, with more than half of today’s travel agents being either home-based employees or independent home-based agents.

The upside? Freedom, flexibility, convenience, a 15-second commute, more time spent with loved ones, a better work/life balance; and, oh yes, you’re the boss.

The challenges? A feeling of isolation, missing the office banter, you’re the entire team, personal distractions, the out-of-sight-out-of-mind phenomenon, and you must be very disciplined and organized. And, since you’re the boss, the buck always stops with you.

Workplace analysts predict that the trend of working remotely will only continue to gain steam as we enter the next decade. So whether you’re already home-based, or you’re considering it, here are six ways to stay connected, confident, and successful.

1) Create clear boundaries.

One of the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur working on your own from home is the need to create clear boundaries. Set guidelines about such things as what your work hours are, whether you’ll work on weekends and evenings, and how you’ll handle client emergencies. If you don’t, and you have an ambitious personality, it’s easy to end up working more than you did at a corporate job.

“Because home is where I work, it’s easy to feel like I’m always ‘on duty. “My phone might ding with a text or email at 11:30 at night from a client. And often does. So the challenge is for me to decide whether I’m going to ignore that ‘til the morning during ‘business hours’ or immediately respond.”

2) Take the time to set up an office that you love to work in.

You’ll be spending about a third of your life there - and it’s the place where you make the magic happen for your clients - so set up a custom environment just for you. Consider what type of desk, chair, and other furniture you most enjoy; what type of lighting you prefer; whether you want an outside view from your desk; whether you like to have some background music playing; and where to put things like plants, a soothing water element, and your dog’s bed. Most importantly, have it be a place where you can confidently work without distractions. You may even want to pick up a book on the ancient art of feng shui, to effectively move the creative energy in your home office. You get the idea.

For those who would rather not be alone in an office, and who thrive in group settings, co-op spaces and shared office spaces are springing up everywhere. Or, have the best of both worlds by keeping your home office and occasionally working on your laptop at the local coffee shop (if you just need the energy boost you get from being around other people).

3) Get out in your local community and in the industry.

Make no mistake about it, home-based does not equate to homebody. Especially in travel, connecting with prospects and customers, as well as colleagues, is key.

Elise Newman, of Newman5 Travel LLC, in Maitland, Florida, said: “Much of my core business comes from direct referrals, so maintaining positive relationships with my clients and members of my local community is a big part of my job. I am active in several charitable organizations and on several community boards. I participate frequently in online travel agent forums and leadership meetings with my host agency. I also make time to talk directly with vendors – cruise lines, resort chains, and tour companies – to ensure that I have the best, most up-to-date information for my clients.”

4) Volunteer - and meet people outside of your bubble.

When you pursue a passion outside of work, it can open all sorts of doors for your business as well. for instance, get involved with the Guide Dogs (SEGD) years as a puppy raiser. They take the pups into their homes for about a year, teaching them the basics of being a good dog (manners, sit, stay, come). And they get together with other raisers and visit different places in the community to expose the dogs to all sorts of things they might encounter one day with a visually impaired person or a veteran with PTSD. Even take each pup to a Ritz-Carlton on vacation, which always ends up being a great conversation starter.

5) Take ‘me time.’

Even the most confident of personalities can sometimes feel alone or lonely in their home-based business. Although Newman said that she stays busy, so she rarely feels lonely, she did offer this insight: “The best way to combat loneliness is to establish a routine that prioritizes working efficiently, but one that also includes me-time. I frequently connect with clients and others in my community, and luckily, that is easy to do by phone, email, or other online methods. I go out to lunch with friends, clients, and vendor contacts, and my family is always nearby.”

The real “mental health break” of getting out of the house, try to “regularly schedule lunches and dinners with both friends and clients to try out new hot spots. ‘Sunday Funday’ is a regular occurrence where we’ll just get a bunch of friends, (and honestly, most of my clients were already or became my friends) together somewhere, like Downtown, to do a little shopping and eating and exploring.”

6) Keep close tabs on your work/life balance.

“You need to remember that just because I work from home and everything is at my fingertips, that does not mean I run a 24/7 business. A big challenge is maintaining the always-important work/life balance, breaking away from my desk, and not working too many hours. Though I run a concierge-style, white-glove business and work hard for my clients, I leave my home office in the evening and try to address after-hours, non-urgent requests the following day.”

Is it worth the time and effort it takes to develop a successful home-based business? You bet. Take it from Rosario, who shared: “What I love most about working from home is the freedom and independence. Knowing I wake up every day doing what I love and not having a boss (other than clients), and not having to ask for vacation time or permission to go to the doctor ... it’s priceless to me. I only wish I had figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up a long time ago!”

I really enjoy working from home. We have a relatively informal house, so there are several comfy chairs to relax in or on a big sofa. Being able to spend time with my kids, exercise, and run errands when I need to, allows me to break up long stretches of work. My wife also works from home a few days each week now, which allows us to connect during breaks and interact regularly. I really cherish family time, meals, etc., and working from home allows that. Maintaining that work/life balance, as I said, allows me to enjoy what I do, which makes me better at what I do, and working from home is an integral part of that.”


One-third of agents are now home-based and 90% say they have a better work-life balance


TORONTO — Results from the just-released second annual home-based agent survey show that more than 35% of travel agents in Canada are now independent, home-based contractors.

Conducted in January 2018, the independent nationwide survey of Canadian hosted travel agents tripled in response size from the 2017 study. The survey was conducted by a private consulting firm and logged responses from more than 500 home-based agents representing many different host agencies.


This year’s results are consistent with some of the findings from last year but they also provide invaluable new insight, he says.

Here are some of the 2018 home-based agent survey’s key findings:

  • 52% of the home-based agents who responded have only ever worked as a home-based agent, which suggests that home-based agents have been around for longer than is commonly thought, and that people are now joining the industry as hosted agents from the get-go.
  • 87% of agents who responded are 40+ years of age, and 28.5% are 60+, and worked for many years in a bricks-and-mortar agency. Many home-based agents are highly experienced and are converting to home-based later in their careers,
  • 45%+ of hosted agents said they are ‘very’ to ‘extremely’ happy with their host agency, however 12% said they were ‘unhappy to very unhappy’.
  • 92% percent of agents who switched from a bricks-and-mortar or a storefront to home-based said they were happier and 90% of agents believe they have a better work-life balance, up 5% over last year.
  • Responding agents also reported a better quality of life, with top impacts including more time to travel and more time with family, the ability to work from anywhere, and the ability to “be my own boss”.

Career opportunities as a TICO Certified travel professional


Work flexibility as a TICO Certified travel professional


A rewarding career as a TICO Certified travel professional



Becoming a TICO Certified travel professional


Compilation of all four videos



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You will visit the following 11 places:



Turkey is a huge nation straddling eastern Europe and western Asia with cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. It offers a wealth of destination varieties to travellers; there is something for everyone's taste—whether they be travelling on an extreme budget by hitchhiking or by a multi-million yacht!



Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region. The city of Paris, within its administrative limits largely unchanged since 1860, has an estimated population of 2,193,031, but the Paris metropolitan area has a population of 11,836,970, and is one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe. In 2009 and 2010, the city has been ranked among the three most important and influential cities in the world, among the first three "European cities of the future" according to a research published by Financial Times and among the top ten cities in the world in which to live according to the British review Monocle. The city is the home of the most visited art museum in the world; ''the Louvre'' as well as the ''Musée d'Orsay'' noted for its collection of French Impressionist art, and the ''Musée National d'Art Moderne'' a museum of modern and contemporary art. The notable architectural landmarks of Paris include Notre Dame Cathedral (12th century); the Sainte-Chapelle (13th century); the Eiffel Tower (1889); and the Basilica of Sacré-Cœur on Montmartre (1914). In 2014 Paris received 22.4 million visitors, making it one of the world's top tourist destinations. It is also known for its fashion, particularly the twice-yearly Paris Fashion Week, and for its haute cuisine, and three-star restaurants. Most of France's major universities and grandes écoles are located in Paris, as are France's major newspapers, including Le Monde, Le Figaro, and Libération.



Budapest is the capital of Hungary. As the largest city of Hungary, it serves as the country's principal political, cultural, commercial, industrial, and transportation centre. In 2010, Budapest had 1,721,556 inhabitants, down from its 1980 peak of 2.06 million. The Budapest Commuter Area is home to 3,271,110 people. The city covers an area of 525 square kilometres (202.7 sq mi) within the city limits. Budapest became a single city occupying both banks of the river Danube with a unification on 17 November 1873 of right (west)-bank Buda and Óbuda with left (east)-bank Pest. Budapest is one of Europe's most delightful and enjoyable cities. Due to its scenic setting and its architecture it is nicknamed "Paris of the East".



Madrid, Spain's elegant capital, is beautifully located on the Manzanares River. It is also the political, economic and cultural centre of Spain. Due to its economic output, high standard of living, and market size, Madrid is considered the major financial centre of Southern Europe and the Iberian Peninsula; it hosts the head offices of the vast majority of major Spanish companies, such as Telefónica, Iberia and Repsol. Madrid is considered the 17th most livable city in the world and as one of the world's major global cities.



Oslo is a county and municipality, as well as the capital and largest city in Norway. Oslo was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III "Hardraade" of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by fire in 1624. The Danish–Norwegian king Christian IV moved the city, rebuilding it closer to Akershus fortress, as Christiania (briefly also spelt Kristiania). In 1925, the city reclaimed its original Norwegian name, Oslo. The diocese of Oslo is one of the five original dioceses in Norway, which originated around the year 1070.



Sydney is the largest and most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. The city is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. It is also the oldest and most cosmopolitan city in Australia with an enviable reputation as one of the world's most beautiful and liveable cities. Brimming with history, nature, culture, art, fashion, cuisine, design, Sydney's set next to miles of ocean coastline and sandy surf beaches. Long-term immigration has led to the cities reputation as one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities in Australia and the world. The city is also home to the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, two of the most iconic structures on this planet.



Piraeus is a city in the periphery of Attica,  Greece and within the Athens urban area, located 12 km southwest of its center and upon the Saronic Gulf. According to the 2001 census, Piraeus has a population of 175,697 people within its administrative limits, making it the third largest municipality in Greece and the second within the Greek capital following the municipality of Athens. The Piraeus urban area extends beyond the administrative city limits to the suburban municipalities, with a total population of 466,065. 

Hong Kong

Hong Kong



Wiener Neustadt

Wiener Neustadt



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